Please donate what you can
Donate now. Friends of Nias is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated in providing a medical service in Lagundri Bay on the island of Nias, Indonesia.
Our foundation is an Indonesian based charity with tax deductible status through World Relief Australia. Our aim is to help the people of Nias Island who require medical care at no charge. We hope to gain support through charitable donations and treat visiting surfers via their health insurance.
Your kind donation will go towards maintaining a medical clinic in Laundry Bay, Nias.
Friend of Nias partners with the World Relief Overseas Aid Fund by acting as its agent for fundraising and the delivery of relief and development projects in developing countries. Clicking the ‘Please Donate here’ button will take you to the World Relief Australia donation page where you can donate to our cause ‘1807NiasMedical’. A tax deductible receipt will be provided by the WRA.
Monthly wage for a medical nurse with 2yrs experience
Families live on $5 weekly income from planting rubber trees.
To the nearest medical aid for locals and visiting surfers.